Stepping Out of Limbo

Mid-September. I’m awaiting a burst of productivity to occur, but it’s not happening.

Earworm of the day, recorded by Jimmy Cliff in 1971:

Sitting here in limbo
But I know it won’t be long
Sitting here in limbo
Like a bird without a song

It has been a mostly stagnant week, spent waiting too long for necessary phone calls to be returned, holding off on plans that have been contingent on the confirmation of other obligations, which has resulted in everything ending up in a giant stall. I really dislike being scheduled for appointments in the middle of the day, which often derails any other objectives because of the timing.

Adding to this annoyance is that my shoulder still hurts following some previously aggressive weeding gone awry. This new situation – which disappointingly has not quickly resolved – is leaving me feeling a bit fragile, afraid to make certain moves – feeling a bit “senior,” and not liking it much. While locked into this temporary limbo, it would probably be prudent to take advantage of the situation and tidy up some of the multiple messes surrounding my space. Instead, I wander from pile to pile of stuff, no real interest in dealing with any of it. I could easily spend the day on the couch playing games on my phone if I didn’t force myself to mentally lurch myself away from it.

So instead, there have been brief forays out to The Urban Porch ™ to watch thunderheads build and morph into a series of interesting shapes, until the wind picks up, blasting rain, twigs and other debris, sending the dog and I scurrying back inside.

The fastidious spraying of a peppermint oil mixture may or may not have thwarted the yellowjackets from their interest in hanging out on the porch. Perhaps they have found more desirable places and people to annoy. It could be their cycle is winding down and has evolved to something else. Or maybe it has just been a lucky lull in the action and they plan to return. For now, there has been a reprieve.

Everything is wet, but we anticipate a nice stretch of clear and refreshing weather for the upcoming week, hopefully spurring on some much needed motivation. Days are perceptibly shorter now. The Autumn Equinox is approaching.

These almost-Fall colors bring on twinges in the heart, a small foretelling of what Autumn always does to the soul (for me, at least), a sort of delicious melancholy. We are not quite there yet, but soon…..

The sedum continues to gain blush.

sedum working up to its glow

The dogwood is resplendent with bright red seeds.

Dogwood in seed

. Chrysanthemums bring warm cheer to every corner.

Ivy has decided to creep along the porch stairs. It should probably be cut back, but I’m kind of enjoying the shape and color as I step over it, for now.

Wild Day Flowers pop up in the weeds and raise their bluest of blue petals above the messy fray that had begun as hopeful, tidy garden beds not long ago.

day flowers

Rain has brought out a variety of colors and textures.

The potted fig tree, which has spent all summer on The Urban Porch ™, has actually produced more figs than in previous years. So far they have not been scavenged by any marauding squirrels, although that could change. I’ve counted eleven figs – eleven!!! – which is rather exciting for this little tree. Unfortunately, they appear to be in a suspended, unripening state at the moment – every single one is small, green, and hard as a rock. They have ceased to progress, which is also a first for me. I am hoping something will change in that regard.

hurry up before it gets too cold!

On the food front, honestly, all I feel like doing lately while in this limbo state is eating salted caramel ice cream. Right out of the container, just me and a spoon. Yesterday my sister-in-law (thankfully) sent me an easy, quick recipe (quick and easy being the desirable, operative words here) that uses the abundance of fresh zucchini and tomatoes available now, which was a welcome injection of nutrition and a baby step towards actually doing something productive. In case you are lacking in the motivation department lately, you might want to try this for dinner, so I’ll share it here. It’s kind of like a Margherita pizza except on top of a zucchini.

Cut zucchini lengthwise. Brush with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and garlic powder (or you can used fresh garlic – I used garlic powder for the easy as possible version). Slice tomatoes and lay them across the top. Sprinkle with grated mozzarella or parmesan cheese, or a combo of both (I used both last night. Sister-in-law made with only parmesan, with happy results). Throw some sliced basil on top. (I’m betting oregano or any number of different herbs would work fine – either dried or fresh). Bake in 375 F degree oven for about 30 minutes so the zucchini is soft.

easy and yummy meal for the unmotivated

It was really tasty – I ate three of these. I think next time a nice crusty bread or a small side of pasta or some grain (SIL thought maybe cut them up and throw them over quinoa) might round out the meal a bit. It felt like a little bit extra of something was needed in order to totally fill me up. But it was pretty much effortless and yummy, so it’s going into the rotation.

On top of a pile of papers, which are sitting in front of this computer screen where I sit typing at the moment, is a “To Do” list with a number of “chores” on it (which have mostly not changed in months). There are three items crossed off and nine long-standing items that should be dealt with. Only one of those things is actually really important. I’m trying to take the first slow steps out of limbo by digging out this list from the bottom of the mess of papers. Hopefully the incoming autumn will provide fresh incentives and reduce the stagnation swirling around my brain this week.

Sitting in limbo, sitting in limbo (limbo, limbo, limbo)
Sitting in limbo, sitting in limbo (limbo, limbo, limbo)
Sitting in limbo, sitting in limbo (limbo, limbo, limbo)

* “Sitting in Limbo” – written by Jimmy Cliff and Guilly Bright, released by Jimmy Cliff in 1971


This entry was posted in Autumn, Cooking, Daeja's Garden, Earworm of the day, Gardening, nature, Perspective, Photography, Seasons, senior musings, summer, The Urban Porch, The Urban Porch ™, Uncategorized, Views From he Urban Porch ™, Weather and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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