Tag Archives: hard of hearing

A Simple Kindness

Many years ago while on a flight from Istanbul to New York, I settled in to watch an inflight movie, when all of a sudden the headset I had brought stopped working. While the airline had packaged headsets provided for … Continue reading

Posted in advocacy, Aging, Are you kidding me?, Coping, Deafness, disability, disability accommodations, Flashback, Hearing Impaired, Perspective, Rant, Travel, Uncategorized, Vent | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

I’m Not That Old

Today was the first time I have been in a movie theater to see a feature film  in longer than I can remember.  With the exception of attending foreign films with subtitles, I have pretty much given up on going … Continue reading

Posted in Aging, Coping, Deafness, Hearing Impaired, Uncategorized, Wow! | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Never Mind – I’ll Tell You Later

The group is bantering witticisms back and forth and raucous laughter ensues.  I am standing among them, nodding and smiling, and my brain is working hard and at double time.  I am trying to string together the words I missed with … Continue reading

Posted in Coping, Deafness, Friends, Hearing Impaired, Perspective, Rant | Tagged , , , | 13 Comments